Awards, Awards, Awards *head bursts with pride*

I have had the almost imponderable pleasure of receiving three awards from three wonderfully stupendously fantastic blogs and thus will proudly display them until The Mostly Confused Teenager becomes an old relic that only scientists use to study the discipline of awkwardness.

SO here we go! First we have the dearest Meesha who nominated me for the Liebster Award 🙂 The rules are as follow. Apparently.

1. You must link back the person who nominated you. (of course!)

2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you. (oh man she asked some hard questions too)

3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers (nope. Not 10. 5. HEHE I broke the rules *feels maniacal*)

4. You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer. (oh dear.)

5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees. (that seems to be customary with every award eh?)

Here are her questions, and of course, my answers. Duh.

1) Why did you start blogging?

I can’t even think of how to answer the first one! Well I originally wanted to write for a sports website because my passion lies with baseball and football, but I couldn’t find anything. In my desperation I thought, why not run my own website? Maybe no one will read it but it’s worth a shot! And since the domain of sports is very specialized I decided to branch out into other things such as the extremely interesting (cue Sheldon Cooper’s sarcasm sign) life of a very average almost 16 year old living in France.

2) If you could live on one food item for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

It’s a toss up in between cookies (MY LIFE) and pizza. I have been a self proclaimed pizzavore since I was little and because pizza has more nutritional value and there are so many possible variations, I have to say… Pizza. I could have cookie pizza if I wanted! Although that sounds almost, um, gross.

3) A movie that you can watch over and over?

Definitely Remember the Titans. I have it on DVD and it is epic. It makes me cry, it makes me laugh, it makes me sing, it’s inspiring. Every time I watch it I get something more out of it, which it quite simply amazing, because I watch it a lot.

4) A blog post you loved writing and is your favorite?

It’s hard to pick a favorite, it’s sort of like choosing a favorite child if you’re a parent. That. Is. Not. Weird. In all honesty I’d have to say What to do when confronted with an awkward social situation, it was just really fun to write, and I felt that it was a subject really close to my heart. Obviously.

5) If you could say anything to someone and keep it anonymous, what would you say?

I’m not going to go all ‘evil Awkward mom’ on you here so I’ll just keep it simple: YOU ARE FRICKIN’ AWESOME. The being anonymous part just makes it seem cooler somehow.

6) If you could change your name to anything, what would you choose?

Now this is a good question! My parents almost named me Teagan. Upon research I have found that the name is now ‘owned’ by a porn star, but none the less.. I would change my name to Teagan if I had to change it at all.

7) What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

My Dad always told me to keep a sharp eye out for anything and everything. Not that I knew so at the time but this was awesome advice; without it I would have never picked up on all of the amazing little details that make up my life, and my brother hiding behind the door waiting to startle me.

8) Where would you love to go for your holiday next?

To a tropical island. A lot of my friends go on these amazeballs trips to places with turquoise waters, white sand beaches and swaying palm trees. I would like to be pampered. There, I said it, without (much) shame. I want to be the definition of lazy. Yeah yeah I know some will say that I’m that already, but I want to be it on a paradisaical beach with a hot guy giving me a massage. Is that too much to ask?

9)  If you could go back in time and give advice to yourself, what would you say?

Take a chance. I’ve come close to getting kissed many a couple times but I’ve always pulled away. It’s like as soon as I have a chance for happiness, I close up like a clam. I don’t know why, I suppose I thought I’d get hurt. Well, younger CT, pull your multicolored socks up and let yourself have that floating sensation that you get when you kiss someone you like.

10) List 3 things you would like to do before you die!

I would definitely like to volunteer in a faraway country, and give back to the community. I was born lucky, others were not. I want need to help. Number 2, I think I should go on the craziest rides at the amusement park before I go to the land of cookies. I don’t exactly have a spirit that yearns for that thrill so I often chicken out; but I want to conquer that fear. Lastly, I want to sing in front of a bunch of people. I want people to hear my voice and think “wow, she’s good!” Although the probability of that dream happening is not very high, since I may sound like a croaking cockroach.

TADAAA I did it! OK now for my questions:

1) What is your favorite food?

2) What was/is your dream job?

3) Why did you start blogging? (classic question for a blogger)

4) If you could change your name to anything, what would it be? (I’m stealing your question Meesha, I like it too much)

5) Do you go/did you go/are you going to go to college? Why?

6) What’s your favorite season?

7) Do you follow sports? If so, which ones? (be careful answering this one guys ;))

8) How many hours a day do you spend on the computer?

9) What’s your favorite TV show? That is, if you watch TV.

10) I’m hungry. Oh crap that’s not a question. Um… What’s your favorite book?

Oki doki now for the nominees:


Little Miss Nerdy Bookworm Nominated me for the Super Sweet Award (yay!) For which I thank her very much, quite frankly I  knew that I would like her blog as soon as a saw the way she signed off on her about page. Yes, go look!

Once again, rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you. (merci très chère! (Yes, I just went all French on you, sorry)).

Answer 5 Super Sweet questions (as per usual).

Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post. (yeah yeah I do that every time).

Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other deserving bloggers. (I will once again be evil and only nominate 5)

Notify your Super Sweet nominees on their blog. (That’s always the part that I dislike the most)


1. Cookies or cake? If you’ve been following my blog at all, you know the answer. Cookies for ever baby!

2. Chocolate or vanilla? Ooh that’s a tough one… chocolate chip cookies vs vanilla ice cream. On second thought, the answer is perfectly obvious: chocolate.

3. Favorite sweet treat?  Have you not been paying attention? Um… answer to question number 1 of course.

4. When do you most crave sweet things? Any and every part of the day.

5. Sweet nickname? If we’re talking sweet sugariness then I have to say “Fluffernutter”. I love that nickname.


Hannah and Katie Nominated me for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, which while I’m not sure what is, I graciously accept. Truth is, any award is cool :p And go check out Hannah and Katie’s blog, it’s very much very awesome.

Don’t a lot of rules just make you want to break them? Well, here we go, the rules to my last award:

1) The nominee of The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award shall display the logo on his/her blog. (Yeah yeah yeah I’m all on it)

2)  The nominee shall nominate 14 readers they appreciate over a period of 7 days, all at once or little by little; linking to their blogs; and telling them about it at their blogs. (again, nada going to happen. 5 will suffice largely. Plus it makes those 5 all the more special right?)

3) The nominee shall name his/her Wonderful Team Member Readership Award nominees on a post during 7 days. (I’m disregarding this rule because I don’t know what the heck it means. HA, take that rulemakers!)

So although this award, as my lovely nominators pointed out, has no apparent reason of being, the links hereonafter (is that even a word) will be publicity for the blogs involved.

Nominations please (being all fancy here see?);

I DID IT!! And in only… 1500 words. Holy macaroni this was a long post, sorry ’bout that. I’ll notify everyone tomorrow (cue song from Annie)!

Live long and prosper \V/

Yours sincerely,

The Mostly Confused Teeanger.




19 thoughts on “Awards, Awards, Awards *head bursts with pride*

  1. I loved your answers and I don’t mind you taking one of my questions, haha.
    Thanks for nominating me! <33
    The questions don't do justice to sweet treats, I don't want to choose. 😦

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