The Magic of Disney

As I once again go to bed at 4 am, I reflect on Disney, and more particularly, Tangled. I’ve gotta say that after watching all of the old Disney movies such as Snow White (I looove the 7 dwarfs, especially Sleepy, I feel that I have a lot in common with him) and Cinderella (I wanted to be her at the ball, and I actually really liked her dress after it got torn up, is that weird? The influence of modern fashion speaks from within…) I have concluded that Tangled is my favorite Disney movie of all time. Well, for now anyway.

When we watch the old romantic Disney movies, we/I get the dreamy idea that some hot dude (I guess we can call him Prince Charming) will come and whisk us away to become princesses who are beautiful and adored by all, if we just have enough patience. Though not 100 years worth, I mean come on Aurora, geez, live a little.

Anyways, back on topic. Tangled brings something more than just beautiful scenery, wonderful music and the guy. Rapunzel is independent, strong, funny, and wields a mean frying pan. Maybe I just like her because she’s blonde throughout the movie and then has short hair at the end. Sort of like me. A little. Flynn Rider, apart from being the first Disney character to question why people randomly break into song (thanks to Disney Forever for that piece of info), is cool, smart/exceedingly stupid, depending on the situation, and has the greatest reactions to everything. Finally, we come to Maximus the horse. Maximus, I am in love with you. Now I mean this in the most non zoophile-like way possible, but seriously, you are one of the best horses in the world (I’m not saying the best for fear of offending some people who have, I’m quite sure, wonderful horses).

My dad says he doesn’t like Disney movies *gasp* because they disconnect people from reality by sugar-coating it and lead them to dream things that will probably never come true. Yeah, he’s kind of a downer, but in a certain way I see his point; Prince Charming isn’t just going to come along, you have to move your own arse and go do something with your life. In another sense, every person needs to disconnect temporarily from reality sometimes and enjoy a few hours of happiness. And you know what dad, every little girl, desperate teenager and lonely adult out there is allowed to dream! Without dreams, I can’t even imagine what the world would be like.

Disney movies like Tangled make us smile and dream, and for me, that’s enough to make them worthwhile.

Live long and prosper \V/

Yours sincerely,

The Mostly Confused Teenager.

21 thoughts on “The Magic of Disney

  1. Aw I love tangled! And I’m going as Snow White for my school’s ‘Book Day’ dress up on Monday! I’ve rented a costume and everything! Everyone loves disney 🙂

      • Yes, it’s awesome! My school is all-girls, so everyone really gets into the spirit. Whenever we have ‘house’ competitive events (i.e. singing, sports, swimming, drama) we all get so into it! We even have days like ‘fountain friday’ where everyone turns up with their hair in a fountain (you know those really super high ponytails?) But yeah, book day is definitely my favourite! I may post some photos on Monday night 🙂 Do you have anything like that at your school?

      • Oh wow you’re so lucky! Nah here in France it’s all about academics, the most exciting part of the year is when the exchange students come and study with us ><' I hope you do post pictures, I'd be interested to see! Maybe I should do a post on how the French school system is f'd up 😉

      • You should do a post about that! I’d love to know what it’s like and then maybe I could do the same? 🙂

      • Oh yes yes do! We could compare then! I’ve already finished my blog post for today but I’ll do that one tomorrow and link your blog so other people can see 🙂

  2. I love Disney, and I think that there is some truth in it. You just have to look at it right. My Prince Charming might not look like YOUR Prince Charming, but he’s charming to me 🙂

  3. I too love Tangled and agree that the main character is a feisty little independent thing!! Help your Dad to believe in dreams, most of our aspirations are built on them!! Great post!

  4. Aww! I love Tangled as well. Somehow, Rapunzel is way different from the other Disney princesses and that’s what makes Tangled so awesome!

    P. S. I thought my Dad was the only one who did not like Disney movies.

  5. I love Disney 🙂 I mean, what’s not to love? Personally my favourites are Mulan, Aladdin, Pocahontas and Hercules. And of course the Lion King which goes without saying. I also have all the songs on my phone at the ready for karaoke with my sister or girl friends (cos none of the boys are into it, when you say “sing Disney they immediately grimace and start singing Un rêve bleu in a stupid voice) (oh yes and I disagree with Disney songs in French) (I mean, a blue dream? what the hell)

    Disney just makes a person happy 🙂

    I shall leave you in peace, for now 😉

    • Holy macaroni me too! I have a long playlist that my dad makes incessant fun of :3 and I totally agree with you, I have (lovely adorable) friends that sing the Bare Necessities “il en faut peu pour etre heureux bla bla bla” and I just don’t get it! Crud, now it’s stuck in my head. Again.

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